Health Guarantee

At Mesquite Ridge Labradors, we breed with considerable attention to health, temperament, and intelligence. Our breeding standards align with that of the American Kennel Club’s. As with any living being, defects can happen regardless of parental health, pedigree, history and genetics.


Mesquite Ridge Labradors (MRL) warrants the puppy to be in good health and free from illness at the time of transfer to purchaser. MRL puppies will have a minimum of one Certified Veterinarian Health and Vaccination visit. Purchaser should have the puppy examined by a Certified Veterinarian with 48-72 hours of accepting ownership.

Terms of Health Guarantee:

1) A licensed veterinarian must examine the puppy within three business days of adoption at the buyer’s expense.

2) Upon finding by a licensed veterinarian that there is a serious illness or genetic defect that alters the life of the puppy, the buyer must notify Mesquite Ridge Labradors within 48 hours.

                         Examples of serious illness and life altering genetic defects include but are not limited to:  Parvo, Distemper and Corona. Serious illness and genetic life altering defects do NOT include umbilical hernia, external or internal parasites or bacteria, coccidiosis, campy giardia, diarrhea, undescended testicles, inverted vulva, allergies, cherry eye, under bite or over bite. The preceding list of illnesses and defects are not an exhaustive list.

3) The puppy must be returned to Mesquite Ridge Labradors within 10 days of the notification at the buyer’s expense.

4) Mesquite Ridge Labradors reserves the right to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian of their choice at the expense of Mesquite Ridge Labradors. Should there be a discrepancy between the buyer’s and Mesquite Ridge Labrador’s licensed veterinarians findings, Mesquite Ridge Lab’s veterinary findings shall control.

If Mesquite Ridge Labradors’ Veterinarian finds the puppy to be actively affected by a serious illness or genetic life altering defect, MRL will not be held liable for any medical or surgical fees the buyer may incur. However, Mesquite Ridge Labradors will offer a one-time credit of one replacement puppy from a future breeding. If the puppy does not necessitate a replacement, MRL will offer a future puppy at a discount.

PARVO DISCLOSURE: If your puppy is diagnosed with Parvo, contact Mesquite Ridge Labradors immediately; no more than 24 hours after diagnosis or the guarantee is void. If the puppy contracted Parvo during its time with Mesquite Ridge Labradors, then MRL will replace the puppy after the claim is properly filed and evaluated. To claim a Parvo replacement Mesquite Ridge Labradors will begin by having our dogs tested. If the MRL’s dogs are clear of Parvo the puppy will not be replaced and the guarantee is void. - Parvo has an incubation period of 7-10 days from time of infection. All Mesquite Ridge Labrador’s are vaccinated against Parvo upon transition of ownership. Our Parvo guarantee is valid for 14 days from leaving our care if the puppy was vaccinated within the required 7 day period. Any puppy that contracted Parvo after the 14  days has not contracted it from Mesquite Ridge Labradors. Parvo is extremely contagious and easily spreads. It is resistant to sanitizers and temperature. It is imperative that the puppy is vaccinated within 7 days of accepting ownership to help prevent contraction.

Mesquite Ridge Labradors offers this health guarantee as a voluntary service and reserves the right to modify or rescind at any time. Any signs of abuse or failure to follow the about conditions will void this guarantee. Our puppies are sold as pet quality; there is no guarantee as to disposition, conformation, size, weight, color, markings, or hunting & breeding abilities.